Electric Car Conversion Can Save the Planet

Motor vehicles are one of the biggest polluters on the planet because of the carbon dioxide they pump out every day. In 1997 there were over 600 million motor vehicles in the world and by 2030 it’s likely to be 1,200,000,000. That’s a lot of global warming.

Of course,Electric Car Conversion Can Save the Planet Articles not all cars pollute. If, like many bright sparks, you have an electric car then you are one of an increasing number of drivers trying to stop the poisoning of this planet. While that’s an admirable aim it’s not the sole reason that people choose to have electric cars.

Driving electric means no fuel bills, no money going into oil company coffers. It means less dependence on oil producing countries, more political freedom. It could mean less war because of oil.

People have been converting their own cars to electric for some years now. When car manufacturers this year released their first new electric cars many were glad they had already converted. One small electric car released by Mitsubishi in Australia costs a whopping $70,000.

This was good news for the world DIY electric car market where a total conversion costs a mere $300 and that includes the manual telling you how to do it.

Because we live in hard economic times I think more people will choose DIY when they want an electric car. Those highly priced new cars seem to defeat the idea of saving money on fuel costs. It makes more sense to just convert your own car and plug it in to the electric at home each night.

Having an electric motor vehicle means thief-proof ev you soon get your money back. It only costs about $1 to charge your car from your electric plug at home. You can travel up to 100 miles (160.9 km) on a simple charge. And don’t think electric cars are slow. You will get up to 55mph (88.5 kph). Plenty of electrics have already been booked for speeding.

The DIY conversions are quick to do and require no special mechanical knowledge. All you need is the DIY manual. Conversions can be done on any type of vehicle in any country.

My observations show one company in particular is a good bet for getting the manual and supporting advice. Not surprisingly the man who wrote the manual and created the DIY electric conversion kit is a keen environmentalist. He and all his family have long ago converted their cars to electric and see electric motor vehicles as a great help for improving the environment.

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